Simplification of Fractions

Concept Explanation

Simplification of Fractions

Simplification of fraction:

  • Find a common factor of the numerator and denominator. A common factor is a number that will divide into both numbers evenly. Two is a common factor of 4 and 14.
  • Divide both the numerator and denominator by the common factor.
  • Repeat this process until there are no more common factors.
  • The fraction is simplified when no more common factors exist.
  • For example: large frac{9}{10} div (frac{3}{5} + 2frac{1}{10})

    Solution: large frac{9}{10} div (frac{3}{5} + 2frac{1}{10})large =frac{9}{10} div (frac{3}{5} + frac{21}{10})large =frac{9}{10} div (frac{6+21}{10})[Solve within brackets]large =frac{9}{10} div (frac{27}{10})large =frac{9}{10} times (frac{10}{27})

    large =frac{1}{3}

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